It is that time of the year, for girls and boys to make their wishlist asking Santa to bring them a gift. This caring Kirk Elementary second grader, Emilio, asked Santa to give the people who survived Hurricane Sandy all his presents and house. He also hoped it doesn't rain.

This was all little Emilio wanted and Nurse Stephanie felt that there had to be something she could do to help make his wish come true. A friend of Nurse Stephanie took on the task of making Emilio's wish a reality. The friend called the American Red Cross Central Valley, and made a donation to help those that were affect by Hurricane Sandy. When the story of the little boy's wish hit the office, the staff felt that this kind of selflessness deserved more than a simple "Thank You" letter.The Preparedness Prep Squad put a small gift together and planned a surprise visit to Emilio's school. Sandra present Emilio with a Certificate of Recognition and his gift to let him know that Santa made a donation in his name to help Hurricane Sandy survivors. The smile on Emilio's face when he received his certificate and gift let us know that he felt his wish was granted. It is nice to see a little boy wanting to help people he has never meet and people who went out to make his wish come true.
Emilio receiving his certificate and gift. |
This is what Christmas is about, helping others.
Be kind to each other and have a Safe and Happy Holidays.
Emilio's joy upon opening his gift and finding a stuff Mickey Mouse,
a Red Cross mes sager bag, and Red Cross T-shirt. |