Raise your hand if you love your Brita! We sure do, but, would you trust your Brita when there is a “boil-water” warning out and you have no way to boil your water?

So, next time there is an earthquake, water-line break, you’re out camping and don’t pack enough water, or any other emergency situation that disrupts your drinking water supply, be happy that you took the steps to be prepared so that you won’t be parched!
For more tips on water safety visit the CDC online or if you think that your school, company or organization would benefit from a Be Red Cross Ready presentation that focuses on being prepared for all types of emergencies, please contact Alex Villa, Program Manager, Health & Safety Services at (559) 455-1000 to schedule a presentation.
For more tips on water safety visit the CDC online or if you think that your school, company or organization would benefit from a Be Red Cross Ready presentation that focuses on being prepared for all types of emergencies, please contact Alex Villa, Program Manager, Health & Safety Services at (559) 455-1000 to schedule a presentation.