Since our return from DC, time has flown by. I've been asking myself in the weeks leading up to the end of my time here, "Where has the time gone?" From the early morning Team Firestopper community canvassing events, to the fire safety seminars, to Save-A-Life Saturdays, to spontaneous DAT calls, to community outreach events, to almost 100 presentations here in Kern county - okay, I guess I can see how the time flew by. There was never a dull moment. I'm finishing my term with so much experience, and feelings of great accomplishment and gratitude - gratitude to all of the people who have supported me, guided me, made me laugh, and made me feel like this was my home away from home.
Just a few things before I say my final goodbye:
A HUGE thank you to the Kern Chapter Staff - Each of you know how much you mean to me. I feel so lucky to have been able to spend my time here with you ladies. You've been my second family, and you will never be forgotten. All of the support, guidance, laughs, good mornings, and see you tomorrow's have helped in making my time here so rewarding. Both personally and professionally, I love you all.
Another HUGE thank you to all of the volunteers. It has been such a pleasure getting to know each of you both personally and professionally. I've learned so much from you guys. The passion each of you has for the American Red Cross and volunteerism in general is astounding, and something I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
To my supervisor, Alex - I'm pretty sure Veronica, Amitai and I were the luckiest of all AmeriCorps NPRC members in the country. You put up with the three of us for 11 months! My sincerest apologies for all of the gray hairs, eye rolls, and screams into your pillow. You pushed each of us, allowing us to see what we're capable of. I've learned so much from you, and this experience as a whole, and I can't thank you enough for allowing me to be a part of the Central Valley team. Also - on top of being the best boss I've ever had, you can quote as many lines from The Office as me, and I think that's pretty darn cool.

Way to go Prep Squad! Thanks for the memories!!
Love, Sam
Samantha Minks
AmeriCorps NPRC 2013-2014
Preparedness Coordinator
American Red Cross
Central Valley Region
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