Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Than Just A Sign....

The Minnesota Planetarium Society has sent our world into frenzy with the newly-released announcement that most of our zodiac signs have changed due to the Earth’s current alignment. According to some astrologers, Earth’s current position in relation to the Sun means that our signs, which were put into place approximately 3,000 years ago, are now outdated. As a result, date alignment with the signs shifted nearly a month causing many individuals to question their self identity. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, there’s no doubt that the world has, literally, been shaken by this announcement.

As a Scorpio, my natural determined and controlling attitude has left me absolutely dissatisfied and unwilling to accept the news. Have we all been living a lie? Does the scorpion tattoo on my....well, does that mean my scorpion tattoo needs to be removed and replaced with whatever it is you Sagittarius folks believe in? 

We at the Red Cross have daily experience with receiving startling news that can shake up the world on both personal and worldwide levels. We learn first-hand to expect the unexpected. Despite the unpredictable nature of our mission at the Red Cross, one factor remains stable—we believe in hope. This common denominator among disasters of any proportion allows us to persevere through the hard days knowing we have the ability to do what we do everyday. It provides us with the power to help others and stand strongly behind the Red Cross mission. We see this belief all the time. We see it in our volunteers. We see it in our donors. We see it in our staff. We see it in the victims we assist. We see the belief in all of you who believe in us and our mission.

You may or may not believe that the fate of our love lives and stubbornness means changing from a goat to a four-legged man, but when it comes to persevering through the those disasters that seem impossible, we too can say, “keep on believing.”

Hope happens. What keeps you going?

-Alex Villa, Program Manager, Health & Safety
 (Yes, I know this news came out over two weeks ago, but as a stubborn Scorpio I refused to give into the hype, and show my protest until I was ready to. Once again, control issues, I know!)