Monday, August 22, 2011

Three Days Left To Subscribe and Design Your Red Cross T-Shirt!

Are you a design guru? If you've been watching our blog, you know that Threadless is hosting an amazing t-shirt design challenge on behalf of the Red Cross! 

If you were planning to submit a design but find yourself stressing on the deadline, great news! 

The contest submission date has been extended untilAugust 25, so you still have 3 days to get your art in gear! 

Remember, if your Threadless submission is selected, your shirt sales help benefit the Red Cross and YOU will receive: 

1. $1750 cash
2. $250 Threadless gift certificate
3. Two tickets to the celebrity-attended Red Tie Affair in Santa Monica, CA on April 21, 2012
4. $500 towards airfare to attend The Red Tie Affair
5. A 2-night stay at the Fairmont Hotel in Santa Monica 

For full terms and conditions, click here.